• Working with requirement texts

    Introduction In some projects, project teams work with textual requirements instead of model-based requirements, as we normally do in BriefBuilder.  In particular in the civil engineering and energy sector, the use of requirement texts is still widespread and it is not always possible to transform these texts into model-based requirements…

  • Error “User name already in use”. What now?

    When creating new users in your model, it can be that you get the following error notification: This means that someone else is already using this name, either in your own environment or in another environment. The easiest way to fix this is to make a small change to the…

  • Object classification/numbering

    Introduction Classifications and numberings are frequently used to identify and categorize objects in models—be it spaces, systems or even facility management services. BriefBuilder provides a dedicated table for this purpose. This table allows you to add one or more classifications or numbers to an object, e.g. numberings for rooms or…

  • Verification roles & permissions

    With BriefBuilder’s roles settings, you can control users’ permissions in relation to verifications. In this article, we will explain how it works, covering the following topics: Permissions To manage verification permissions, you have to access the roles settings in your model: Navigation bar > Settings > Project model > Roles…

  • Referencing

    When working in BriefBuilder, it happens that you want to refer to other objects or requirements. Think of a comment like, “Shouldn’t this space be linked to the large meeting room SP-405?”, or a Note that says, “This requirement should be seen in conjunction with REQ-3005”. To make such references…

  • Two-factor authentication

    Customers may choose to enforce two-factor authentication (2FA) for users logging in to their environment. If you would like to enable 2FA for your environment please send an email to support and we will enable it if you are the administrative contact. Logging in with 2FA After logging in with…

  • Importing picklists via Excel

    If you want to add a lot of picklist values and do not want to add them manually one-by one, we’ve created an Excel import function to expedite this process. To do so, you can use the import button at the top of the picklist values pop-up. The first step…

  • Bulk edit for analysis and verification

    Do you have changes that apply to a whole bunch of rows in your analysis or verification table? If so, you will probably want to do a bulk action. With this feature, you can edit analysis and verification data for multiple requirements with just one click. Keep reading this article…

  • Area overview

    For building projects, the area overview (also called room list or space program) is one of the most important overviews that is available in BriefBuilder. The overview is a list of all the spatial objects in your project (buildings, groups of spaces, spaces, outdoor spaces) with their quantities and their…

  • Importing Objects, Properties, Relations and Analysis data via Excel

    If you have a large amount of data that you want to add to BriefBuilder, you may want to import that data by means of an Excel import. You can import the following data: Importing Excel data can be very powerful, but preparing the import Excel sheets can be a…