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  3. Importing picklists via Excel

Importing picklists via Excel

If you want to add a lot of picklist values and do not want to add them manually one-by one, we’ve created an Excel import function to expedite this process.

To do so, you can use the import button at the top of the picklist values pop-up.

The first step is to go to the standard property for which you want to import the picklist values. Evidently, you have to make sure that the Input type is on Picklist.

The second step is to click in on the Picklist values field to get to see the import button and the values.

Make sure that ‘input type’ is set to ‘picklist’
The import button is right next to the title of ‘Picklist values’. Clicking on it will open up a new pop-up that will allow you to upload an Excel sheet to run an import.

When clicking on the import button, you will get a pop-up where you can select the file that you want to import.

Import sheets per language

Please note, however, that you can not just import any Excel sheet. The data must fit into BriefBuilder’s structure. Therefore, we have developed an import template that you can use. See below for empty versions for all available languages.

Make sure that the values are all unique. You cannot use the same value twice. Descriptions are optional.

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