• Requirement diagrams

    BriefBuilder has a dedicated requirement diagram feature that enables you to create, edit, and view requirement diagrams that are generated on the basis of the model’s contents. The objective of this feature is to enable you to create visual overviews of the objects in your model and their interrelations, which…

  • Background tasks

    Some BriefBuilder actions may take a while. Importing a big IFC model, for example, may take a couple of minutes. To avoid long waiting times for situations like that, we are running such tasks as background tasks. This means that you can continue to work in your model, or even…

  • How to work with dates?

    BriefBuilder is not a planning tool, but it can still be relevant to work with dates at some places in the model. You may, for example, want to indicate a due date for a response to an RFC, or a deadline for when verification results need to have been entered…

  • File overview

    The file overview is a table that shows all the files that are captured in the model. Practical for if you want to find out what files have been uploaded in the model. Just like the other overviews, the file overview can be accessed via the main menu, under header…

  • IFC comparison table

    When you have imported an IFC file into your requirements model, it is likely that you will want to compare the design specifications in the IFC file with the requirements in BriefBuilder. For example: does the design model contain all the spaces that have been asked for? Are the room…

  • Deleting multiple objects in one go

    Sometimes, you want to delete multiple objects at once. This can be done by selecting the first object that you want to delete in combination with pressing the SHIFT key to select more objects. And then using the usual delete icon to delete them. To unselect the objects, just click…

  • Creating room data sheets

    This article covers the topic of room data sheets. First, it explains the general concept. After that, it goes into the details of creating room data sheets in BriefBuilder. What are room data sheets? Room data sheets (RDSs) are structured overviews of the requirements that apply to the specific room…

  • Does BriefBuilder provide training?

    We certainly do! We can provide training in different ways. Very popular is our online BriefBuilder Fundamentals course. This online course guides you step-by-step through all of BriefBuilder’s functionalities. You will learn how to define requirements, how to verify them, how to manage changes, and how to standardise and re-use…

  • Adding a profile photo

    When your account is created, you’ll see your initials placed on a colored background as your profile picture. You can, however, add a profile photo of yourself, which can help your team to identify you quicker. And it makes the project more personal!😊 To do so: (1) Go to Your…

  • Quick navigation in tables

    When entering values in your model, you can quickly move from one cell to another by using your ENTER button and your TAB button. Clicking on your ENTER button brings you to the cell below in the same column. Clicking on your TAB button brings you to the next cell…