Absolutely. BriefBuilder is an excellent tool for describing and specifying complex systems (i.e. buildings, civil works, energy projects).
In line with the SE philosophy, BriefBuilder allows you to make different kinds of project decompositions (strategic, functional, technical, spatial, organizational) in support of the analysis, specification, design, and verification of systems.
It is important to note, however, that we don’t aim or pretend to cover the entire SE process.
Systems engineering is a broad concept, which covers many aspects, and all life-cycle stages, while our specific focus is on requirements management.
We believe however that requirements management is crucial for the success of any SE trajectory. As the SeBok wiki says:
“Systems engineering is a transdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems. Successful systems must satisfy the needs of its customers, users and other stakeholders.”
The second part of this definition is spot-on when talking about BriefBuilder. As it points out, successful systems are those that fulfil the needs of the stakeholders who will use, own, acquire and operate the system.
BriefBuilder is an excellent tool for capturing those needs and translating them into explicit, model-based requirements concerning the overall project and its parts.
Subsequently, it allows you to analyse, verify, manage these requirements throughout the entire process, with the goal of creating highly effective systems that perform exactly as they should.
Relevant features in BriefBuilder: