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Guide & tutorial videos

Below is a compilation of all our videos explaining several of BriefBuilder’s features.

Quick guides are short and succinct explanatory videos without a voiceover. They simply showcase how to perform certain actions in BriefBuilder. Our tutorial series is longer and more in-depth, including plenty of practical examples and tips through a voiceover for more clarity and insight.

Scroll down and pick whichever suits you most!

Quick guides (1-5 min)

Working with project models

Finding and editing requirements

Creating requirement reports

Exports and imports

Tutorials (5-15 min)

New to BriefBuilder? Start with our Introduction video below that takes you through all the main features in the navigation menu. For a more in-depth examination of every individual feature, keep scrolling down for more videos.

Defining requirements

Analyzing requirements

Managing changes in requirements

Verifying requirements

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